Recently, power circuits (flexible cable channels, power hangers, cable stackers) are used almost everywhere in various industries: construction machinery, robotics, processing machines, packaging equipment, conveyors, etc.
Flexible cable channels save space, protect cables from various damages and twists, have a quiet running, operate at high speeds, allow conducting electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic energy, as well as digital signals, are used for supplying and protecting electrical signal and power cables. They are able to protect the cable from metal chips with a temperature of up to +850, are resistant to chemicals and are easy to maintain.
In our catalog you will be able to find options for magnetic energy chain systems: this patented system is simple and unique. Magnets are placed in the inner arc of the circuit, which repel each other. Due to this, the chain links hover over each other and do not touch. No contact means no friction, which means no noise and almost no wear. No wear — an increase in service life. The magnetic field does not produce any inductive effect on either the power cables or the tires.
In our catalogYou will find various options for power circuits (open/ closed, with and without magnetization, different radius and width) and accessories for them: links, accessories. If you have not found the right position, call or write to us, and we will select the right option.