We have tried to make our website as convenient as possible for your use.
You can find out more about the company " Sibelektronimport "in the section"About the company". For sure, you will want to find out which manufacturers we cooperate with - to do this, please visit the section "Our partners".
In the"Catalog" section You can get acquainted with the list of products that we are ready to deliver to you. Please note that this section will be updated. If you have not found the product you need, you can always find out about a particular position from our managers by phone, email or in person. You can find all our banking details in the "Contacts" section.
We will be glad to respond to any questions, suggestions and wishes from you, which can be left by going to the section "Feedback". You can also get any information about the position you are interested in by clicking on the buttonDo you have any questions about this position? in each section of the catalog.
Sincerely, the Sibelektronimport team