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Checker 1 HI 98103 pH sensor

  • Order code:1-133837
  • SKU:Checker 1 HI 98103 pH sensor
  • Manufacturer:Hanna Instruments
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The pH meter Checker 1 (HI 98103) is a model with a replaceable compact pH electrode HI 1270 with a screw connector.

The distinctive features of the Checker1 Hanna pH meter are: small size and weight (66x50x25 mm / 52.6 g)
large easy-to-read display
compatibility with almost all types of combined pH electrodes

Accuracy-0.2 pH
wide measurement range: - from 0 to 14 pH with a resolution of 0.01 units
battery life-3000 hours
two-point quick and easy calibration.



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