ACS-Control-System was founded in 1990. Since that time, ACS-Control-System has been working in the field of industrial automation. Technological development and the desire for innovation is the basis of the company's activities. ACS-Control-System is currently a medium-sized company with more than 20 years of experience in measuring technology. This experience is a reliable basis for the development and implementation of solutions for level, pressure, temperature and flow sensors.

ACS-Control-System products meet various requirements and can be used in extreme operating conditions. ACS-Control-System is adapted to the changing market requirements and therefore offers comprehensive solutions for the client. Innovative activity in the creation of standard and special systems developed and manufactured in the company is consistent with any needs and requests of customers.

Hydrocont S50 Level Sensor Hydrocont S50 Level Sensor
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Sonicont USD 050 Level Gauge Sonicont USD 050 Level Gauge
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Radarcont RGD 500 Level Gauge Radarcont RGD 500 Level Gauge
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Precont ExS10 Pressure Sensor Precont ExS10 Pressure Sensor
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Precont ExS20 Pressure Sensor Precont ExS20 Pressure Sensor
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Precont ExTM Pressure Sensor Precont ExTM Pressure Sensor
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Flowcont F Flow Meter Flowcont F Flow Meter
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Precont S10 Pressure Sensor Precont S10 Pressure Sensor
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Precont S20 Pressure Sensor Precont S20 Pressure Sensor
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Precont TM Pressure Sensor Precont TM Pressure Sensor
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Precont ECO Pressure Sensor Precont ECO Pressure Sensor
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Precont DDN10 Pressure Sensor Precont DDN10 Pressure Sensor
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WTAU-120-U0 Temperature Converter WTAU-120-U0 Temperature Converter
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